Sunday, September 28, 2008

Another Fire Drill in Boaz

A couple weeks ago Boaz hall was woken up to the loudest fire alarm I have ever heard.  Confused about what was going on, we all quickly evacuated our new home.  After standing in front of Cox Business school (which is directly across from Boaz) we learned that it was just a drill.  Everyone went back to bed and that was the end of it.  
Yesterday morning we were woken up to the same piercing alarm.  Confused and tired I wondered why we would have another fire alarm drill.  Wasn't the first drill enough?  Were we going to have drills every couple of weeks?  While we were outside standing in the same waiting place as last time I heard fire trucks.  Surprised and scared we watched 3 fire trucks pull up to our dorm.  I was very nervous and wondered if I should run up to the second floor and save my computer and other valuables.  
Well, it was not a drill but it also was not a fire.  Someone was testing the sewer pipes and it starting smoking.  After this experience I learned that these things need to be taken seriously.  I thought back to how I took my time exiting the building and yet it could have been a real fire.  Next time the fire alarm goes off I will be much more prepared. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The point of my most recent blog: Family Weekend

I was surprised to see so many parents out at the bars with their students, experiencing SMU night life.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Family Weekend

Family Weekend at SMU was something that I did not expect it to be.  I was excited to see my parents and knew that the school and Greek had planned activities but I did not realize it would be to this extent.  I thought it was so nice how the parents were able to truly get a taste of SMU and what our college life here is like.  Friday night, walking around to all of the fraternity houses where each house opened up their doors for the parents to visit and meet others.  I was also surprised with the number of parents who attended the parties Friday and Saturday night.  Many parents were having a great time at Homebar and Barely House this weekend.  I thought it was great seeing the parents out with their students, enjoying life here at SMU.  It was also fun meeting the siblings and seeing them enjoy SMU and the boulevard as well.  Did everyone enjoy family weekend?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hurricane Ike

After receiving several e-mails and hearing warnings about Hurricane Ike, I was surprised with this past weekends weather.  I am from Arizona where the weather is pretty much the same year round.  I have never experienced effects from a hurricane.  When the e-mails were warning us and the news was alerting us, I thought the weather this weekend would be unbearable.  I was pleasantly surprised that it only heavily rained on Saturday and by Sunday the sun was out.  I thought we were going to be stuck inside all weekend.  Is that normally how Dallas is affected by hurricanes?      
I commented on Gary's blog, "Why blogging is so difficult...or a whole lot simpler than we think."  I also commented on Paris Hilton's blog, "Taking Attendance? Back to High School?"

Friday, September 5, 2008

The Transition

Many first year students have a difficult time adjusting from high school to the new atmosphere of college. The transition to dorm life, having no rules, and prioritizing tasks is somewhat challenging for most young adults. Southern Methodist University is aware of the possibility of a struggling adjustment period for first year students. Various events have been created to help Freshmen adapt to their new surroundings and enjoy their first year of college.

SMU offers Orientation (AARO), Mustang Corral, A Night at the Clubs, campus Boulevards, and Family Weekend in September. Orientation is just the beginning for first years to become acquainted with their new home. During orientation various speakers, including faculty, alumni, and current students welcome the new mustangs. At orientation the freshman class meets with their advisors who help with first year schedules so the student does not have to go through the process of picking classes alone. Once schedules are set and ID cards are finished, first years are ready to move into the residence halls. Before they even have time to get homesick or feel alone, SMU buses their new students to various locations for a two-night stay, camp like environment known as Mustang Corral. At Corral friendships are formed and the traditions of the school are taught. Connections are quickly made and Freshmen return to their residence halls seeing familiar faces and ready to pony up for the football games. Once adjusted to dorm life, SMU holds what is known as “A Night at the Club”. This event allows students to go from booth to booth learning about all the various clubs that the university has to offer. There truly is a club for everyone and students quickly find their passions and get involved. The events do not end with the clubs. All campus boulevards, where everyone is encouraged to be on the boulevard to show their mustang spirit, and family weekend that occurs in September, help the students become involved in games and share the spirit and traditions with their family.

From Mustang Corral, to becoming oriented with the school, boulevards, learning about the clubs and all the other activities that are held for first year students, the adjustment from high school to college at Southern Methodist University is an easy and enjoyable transition. If you were at a large university do you feel you would have the same advantages of meeting new people as you have had at SMU? Do you feel that after the numerous events that the school has promoted your transition has been successful? Did these events help you to feel well connected to the school?