Sunday, September 28, 2008

Another Fire Drill in Boaz

A couple weeks ago Boaz hall was woken up to the loudest fire alarm I have ever heard.  Confused about what was going on, we all quickly evacuated our new home.  After standing in front of Cox Business school (which is directly across from Boaz) we learned that it was just a drill.  Everyone went back to bed and that was the end of it.  
Yesterday morning we were woken up to the same piercing alarm.  Confused and tired I wondered why we would have another fire alarm drill.  Wasn't the first drill enough?  Were we going to have drills every couple of weeks?  While we were outside standing in the same waiting place as last time I heard fire trucks.  Surprised and scared we watched 3 fire trucks pull up to our dorm.  I was very nervous and wondered if I should run up to the second floor and save my computer and other valuables.  
Well, it was not a drill but it also was not a fire.  Someone was testing the sewer pipes and it starting smoking.  After this experience I learned that these things need to be taken seriously.  I thought back to how I took my time exiting the building and yet it could have been a real fire.  Next time the fire alarm goes off I will be much more prepared. 

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