Sunday, November 30, 2008


One more week and then we have finals?!  Over Thanksgiving break I spent most of my time relaxing and now that I am back at school I am starting to get very nervous and anxious for finals.  Even though our finals seem to be early, I am glad that we will be able to get them over with quickly!  Most of my high school friends who attend large public schools do not have finals for another three weeks!  Some of them will not be coming home until literally right before Christmas.  I remember in high school one year we did not have finals until after Christmas break and it was not a relaxing break at all because I spend those weeks studying and worrying about finals!  I am glad that SMU holds finals before Christmas break so then we can actually enjoy break and know that when we return to school it is for a fresh start.  But still, I can not believe how fast this year has gone by and that we are pretty much half way done with our Freshman year of college!  Where has the time gone?!

Thanksgiving Break

I always look forward to Thanksgiving because it is a chance to spend time with family and relatives that I do not have the chance to see very often.  This Thanksgiving I was especially excited to go home and see the family and friends that I had not seen for a while.  We have many traditions in our household that I have always grown up with.  Every Thanksgiving morning I wake up early to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, I help my mom cook, we go see a movie, and then start to put up the Christmas decorations.  This year we went and saw the movie Four Christmases with Reese Witherspoon and I highly recommend this movie!  Also, I enjoyed being apart of the Christmas decorations this year, however I will not be able to enjoy them the entire holiday season.  Even though I was so excited for Thanksgiving and all of the traditions, I was also extremely happy to be back at SMU.  I never thought that I would miss college and the dorms as much as I did!  Now I am wondering how I will be able to be away from school and my life here in Dallas for an entire month over Christmas break!  Does anyone else feel the same way?  Also, what Thanksgiving traditions did everyone enjoy the most over break?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I commented on Chelseas' "Blue Highway", College Girls' "Heat-Moons Journey", and Different Ideas' "My Comment."

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Blue Highways Question and Answer

Q:  How did Miz Alice feel when the boat arrived?  Do you think she was happy to see the Island Belle?

A:  Miz Alice stated that the Island Belle, "changed our social pattern."  The Island Belle brought gas, food, and various other resources to provide the island with.  Therefore, I think that Miz Alice was relieved to see the Island Belle.  I think that she was happy because she knew what the boat carried and knew that it would help and better the island.  

Saturday, November 1, 2008


As Homecoming is quickly approaching I am excited to see what Homecoming will be like at the college level.  I continue to hear about the parade, floats, and festivities from the upperclassmen and how Homecoming is always such a big deal.  At my high school, Homecoming was not about a parade or floats, but it was about the Homecoming dance.  No one seemed to care about the football game or anything else.  We always went all out for the Homecoming dances.  We would rent limos, go to fun restaurants, take lots of pictures, and of course, get very dressed up.  When I think of Homecoming I think of dances.  This year it will be so weird having a Homecoming, minus the fancy dance.  Did anyone else have Homecoming parades and floats?  Or was Homecoming more about the dance rather than the actual game and idea of alumni coming "home."?


Halloween has always been a time to dress up in costume, trick or treat with your friends, and see who can gather the most Halloween candy.  This year, however, there was a different feel to Halloween.  I am use to spending my Halloween dressed up with friends, passing out candy to my little neighbors, and then enjoying a costume party or haunted house.  It was weird this year not passing out candy to my favorite neighbors and not seeing a haunted house or even a scary movie.  My house during Halloween is always decorated with lights and pumpkins.  I had a great Halloween but it made me realize that holidays away from home are different, not in a bad way, but just different.