Sunday, November 30, 2008


One more week and then we have finals?!  Over Thanksgiving break I spent most of my time relaxing and now that I am back at school I am starting to get very nervous and anxious for finals.  Even though our finals seem to be early, I am glad that we will be able to get them over with quickly!  Most of my high school friends who attend large public schools do not have finals for another three weeks!  Some of them will not be coming home until literally right before Christmas.  I remember in high school one year we did not have finals until after Christmas break and it was not a relaxing break at all because I spend those weeks studying and worrying about finals!  I am glad that SMU holds finals before Christmas break so then we can actually enjoy break and know that when we return to school it is for a fresh start.  But still, I can not believe how fast this year has gone by and that we are pretty much half way done with our Freshman year of college!  Where has the time gone?!

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