Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Blue Highways Question and Answer

Q:  How did Miz Alice feel when the boat arrived?  Do you think she was happy to see the Island Belle?

A:  Miz Alice stated that the Island Belle, "changed our social pattern."  The Island Belle brought gas, food, and various other resources to provide the island with.  Therefore, I think that Miz Alice was relieved to see the Island Belle.  I think that she was happy because she knew what the boat carried and knew that it would help and better the island.  


WWV (World Wide Viewer) said...

I actually think that Miz Alice Middleton was not a big fan of the Island Belle coming to Smith Island. The Island changed for the first time in sixy- three years. The Island Belle would completely change Smith Island. The island had now had the accessories to many new things like medicine and carried mail. I think that she was not entirely happy that the Island Belle came to Smith Island It changes the whole island that she has been used to for sixty- three years. I know that I would not be happy if something changed on me all of the sudden after a time period like sixty- three years.

Chelsea said...

I agree with wwv -- I think that Miz Alice is a creature of habit and she doesn't like that to be disrupted. Had she wanted all of the modern things brought by the Island Belle, she easily could have moved off of the island to a place where material possessions were more prominent. However, I think Miz Alice chose to live on the island to seclude herself from the business and self-centeredness of a city-like lifestyle. The Island Belle brings all of those things that Miz Alice finds unnecessary in life, and disrupts her peaceful and nature-centerd island.

Anonymous said...

These are good responses, but more specifically, Miz Alice says the Belle changed "our social pattern." She goes on to explain that the social pattern got less isolated, more comings and goings to the mainland, and with that new ideas. She compares the boat to what cars have done elsewhere, and to her that seems not so good, like making people less connected, less aware of their dependence on each other. I think she liked it better when people saw themselves as islanders, as a smaller community. So--anybody want to take this in the direction of a larger application? How have cars changed social patterns in neighborhoods, or maybe even on SMU campus?

AlmostFamous said...

I agree with the response that Miz Alice did not really appreciate the Island Belle coming in a changing the "social pattern" of Smith Island. From the passage it does not seem like Miz Alice liked the fact that her "home" was being disrupted. Being a resident on the island for 63 years, makes it tough to conform to the changes the Island Belle is implementing. Miz Alice sounds like the type of woman who would has a day to day schedule. Waking up early in the morning, fetching water from the well, cooking breakfast, etc. Although people may think there is not a lot to do on the island she makes each day productive and appreciates everything. I agree with Chelsea when she says, "The Island Belle brings all of those things that MIz Alice finds unnecessary in life, and disrupts her peaceful and nature- centered island." Why should Miz Alice's habitat be ruined, just so Island Belle can conform Smith Island into a more modernized community?

Anonymous said...

Island Belle brought many good things too, like health care and access to health care on the mainland. She lists these good things, so she knows the Belle isn't all bad. The question here is Heat-Moon's initial question in the first reading packet: Can we have change without having ruin? Does the Island have to be spoiled because of increased contact with the rest of the world?

Chelsea said...

Going off of cec's first comment, certain types of technology have had strong impacts on our world. I remember when iPods first came out, I read an article that talked about how they have changed the culture of New York City. No longer was there interactions between people on the street and the noise levels went way down. Why was this? IPods. IPods allowed people to seclude themselves into their own little worlds and escape from everything around them. I find it coincidental that the new things coming to the island are things that connect the residents with the outside world, when the outside world is finding things to disconnect them from society.

Lynn said...

In regards to cecs comment, I think that we can have change without having ruin. Many people do not like change because of the unknown or idea of something being new and different is. However, in this case, the Island Belle brought change but in a positive way as well. Also, I think that the Island is somewhat spoiled because of increased contact with the rest of the world. I agree the with the points that Chelsea made about the island trying to become connected when the outside world is finding things to disconnect them from society. The idea of technology was something new and different to the island whereas the outside world at times takes it for granted.